
Digital Transformation:

The way to collect, store and use information securely is the goal of every entity in the world. The entity may be Government, Industry, Enterprise, Education or Research institute. The 21st century is moving to a paperless world and most transactions, analysis, any record and decision making reports are made as digital documents be it text, words,spread sheets, slide decks, graphics, audio/video streams and are managed on Computers and Clouds.

Our consultants and professionals help all global entities to provide guidance through policy and methods to plan and manage the digital transformation which include Telecom, Cloud, Government and all Enterprise /Industry domains.

Digital Transformation
Telecom : This includes National Telecom Networks 5G/4G, WiFi, Captive5G
Cloud : This includes Hosted Datacenter, Private, Public and Hybrid CloudsCCICI
Government: Several applications, eGov, Policy, Security, eHealth, Utility, EnergyTSDSI
Enterprise: Several SAAS applications, ERP, SFM, CRM, PPC/SCM, FM, HRMCoreStack
Digital Transformation charter
R.PrakashVipin RathiDr. Malini Bhandaru

MTech, Exec. Sec. eOTF

Asst. Prof. RCDU

Ph.D. CS UoM-Amherst /IISC
Digital Transformation Leads
Digital TransformationEducational Transformation
Operation TransformationFintech Transformation
Knowledge TransformationAgriculture Transformation
Quantum TransformationPersonal Transformation
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